Sawtooth Lakes Loop (BP-2)
Trip Name | Sawtooth Lakes Loop (BP-2) |
Trip Start Date | September 6, 2024 |
Type of Trip | Backpack |
Rating | BP-2 |
Leader Name | Steve Ghan |
Leader Email | |
Roundtrip Drive Mileage | 410 |
Carpooling Cost | $49 |
Additional Fees | 0 |
Trip Description | Alpine lakes, meadows and larches, all in a 21.5 mile loop in the Sawtooth Range east of Lake Chelan. Most larch needles won’t be golden yet, but the place won’t be as crowded as it can get in late September. A good description of the route is at The elevation gain is 5,200 feet. We’ll drive 205 miles from Richland in about four hours to the Crater Creek Trailhead (NW Forest Pass required). From there, we’ll walk about 6 miles to our first camp at Upper Eagle Lake. On the next day we’ll walk over Horsehead Pass and descend to Boiling Lake and further to catch the Chelan Summit Trail, which we’ll follow south for two miles to the junction with the Angels Staircase trail. We’ll follow that rather steep and narrow but spectacular trail for 2.4 miles to Cooney Lake, where we’ll camp on the second night after 7.5 miles of hiking. On the third day, we’ll walk about eight miles, almost all downhill, to complete the loop. Expect to be back in Richland at about 5 pm. Note that none of this beautiful area is in wilderness, so motorbikes are allowed on all of the trails except Angels Staircase and the Cooney Lake area. It is unlikely we’ll hear them on the first day because it’s a Friday, or on the second because they’re not allowed where we’ll be in the afternoon and evening. We might hear some on the third day, but not many because few people live in this area. Note also that we’ll be camping above 7000 feet elevation on both nights, so temperatures below freezing are likely at night. A sleeping bag rated at 20 F or below is recommended. There will be two four-mile sections of trail without water, so a liter of water should be carried. Group size limit is 6, which includes the trip leader.
Each participant is responsible for their own safety and being prepared. PLANNING and preparation start with the 10 ESSENTIALS and staying up-to-date on road and trail conditions, permit requirements, party size limits, snowpack, wildfires, and weather. Visit the ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATION PAGE for detailed information on difficulty rating for I-MAC trip so you can sign up for activities that best match your fitness and comfort levels.
Visit TRIP COSTS & PASSES for detailed information about trip costs.
To help protect and care for these special places that we enjoy exploring, I-MAC members always practice LEAVE NO TRACE and follow the 7 PRINCIPLES OF LEAVE NO TRACE. Ask your trip leader if you have questions about Leave No Trace or suggestions for helping to reduce our footprint.