Presentation: Top Of The Bottom Of The World
“Top of the bottom of the world” seems like a contradictory phrase, but in this case it refers to the top of the highest mountain of the continent that is always drawn at the bottom of world maps – if it appears at all. However, hidden away at the bottom of the world lies the Vinson Massif (Mount Vinson) in the middle of the Ellsworth mountain range, which is the highest mountain in Antarctica. Since its first sighting in 1958 only about two thousand people have ever attempted to climb to its summit. After many years of dreaming and plotting, local I-MAC member Forrest Heller made the trip down to Antarctica and joined the “two thousand something person club” that have summited the Vinson Massif. Come to the Richland Public Library at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday January 28th to hear and see as Forrest tells stories and shows pictures/videos from this exotic trip.